Achieving equity of Pacific mental health and wellbeing outcomes report downloads
Published: May 2024
This report and data infographic bring together insights about Pacific peoples wellbeing using our He Ara Oranga Wellbeing Outcomes Framework along with engagement with Pacific communities.
The report sets out to describe the factors that contribute to wellbeing. The report comprises an analysis of well-established and respected data sources used across government to inform policy-making. And a qualitative aspect which provides case studies of initiatives that are succeeding in promoting Pacific Peoples’ mental health and wellbeing, which may act as a model for future work.
Key Findings
- Pacific people are experiencing inequities in mental health outcomes
- The ‘Pacific dream’ is yet to be realised
- Education is a critical pathway to future wellbeing
- Meaningful employment and adequate income are required for Pacific people to thrive
- There is a positive link between stable housing and better mental health
- Pacific communities and organisations are doing the mahi, but system support is needed
- Enabling communities to deliver on better wellbeing outcomes works
- Wrap around support to address wider wellbeing will achieve improved Pacific mental health outcomes
- By Pacific for Pacific services will deliver better results
- Devolution and sustainable contracting models work.