Displaying 1 - 10 results of 164 for "recovery competencies for new zealand mental health workers"
Bigger role for mental health and addiction peer support workforce called for
The significant contribution made by peer support workers in the mental health and addiction system is highlighted in a new insights paper released today by Te Hiringa Mahara – Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission. The findings of the Peer Support Workforce Insight Paper include calls
COVID-19 learnings can support communities recovering from Cyclone Gabrielle
Learning from the COVID-19 pandemic can help support the mental health and wellbeing of communities recovering from Cyclone Gabrielle. This is according to today’s Te Hiringa Mahara – the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission report, Supporting wellbeing after a crisis . 
Pathway for peer support to transform the mental health and addiction workforce webinar
together and synthesises evidence from academic research, New Zealand data, and the voices of people with lived experience on the value of the peer support workforce in mental health and alcohol and drug services. While the peer support workforce in Aotearoa is growing, it remains a small proportion of our
Chief Executive Karen Orsborn opinion piece on coercive practices
In early June we provided an article on coercive practices to the New Zealand Herald for consideration as part of its Great Minds campaign on mental health. The article, by our Chief Executive Karen Orsborn, pointed out that coercive practices continue in Aotearoa despite evidence they have no
Mental health and addiction system
choice for mental health and addiction services in Aotearoa New Zealand. Acute options for mental health care insights paper This new insights report focuses on acute options that can provide an alternative to acute inpatient care. Budget 2019 to Budget 2022 investment in mental health and addiction
Covid-19 Insights Series - Supporting wellbeing after a crisis
health services, will be needed for some time, and should not have a real or implied time-limit on their provision. To help some of our most at-risk communities stay safe and secure during and beyond the recovery we call on the government to work with iwi and community organisations; to prioritise
Peer support workforce paper 2023
Peer support workforce paper 2023 Read and download our Peer support workforce paper 2023 about the critical role of the peer workforce in enabling recovery, improving hope and in transforming the landscape of mental health and addiction services. Report This paper shows the critical role of the
Lived experiences of Compulsory Community Treatment Orders under the Mental Health Act (1992) webinar
practices under the current Mental Health Act. The Government process to repeal and replace the Act is underway, but it is likely to be years before new legislation is passed and fully implemented. We call for new law, based on supported decision making, embedding Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Te Ao
Rolling out more options for crisis care
Government recently announced that six new Crisis Recovery Cafés will be rolled out around the country over the next two years. The benefits of this type of care model are examined in our recently released insights paper on acute options for mental health care. Our Lived Experience team prepared
Time called on compulsory community mental health treatment
mental distress. We urge changes to these practices.” Hayden Wano, Te Hiringa Mahara chair said. “People found these orders counter-productive and they impacted on the relationship between tāngata whaiora and clinicians. Use of these orders is not aligned with New Zealand’s Te Tiriti o