Acute options for mental health care insights report

This insights report focuses on acute options that can provide an alternative to acute inpatient care. Increasing the range of acute options provides people with viable and welcome alternatives that allow them to stay safe and supported in their local community. Published August 2024.

The report has been informed by people with lived-experience telling us what they want and the types of services that work for them. Peer-led, community-based, and Kaupapa Māori services are working well and the experiences of those using these services have been positive.

The report provides:

  • Definitions of acute services
  • Current picture of service access
  • Visions for acute care
  • Evidence of what works
  • Examples that demonstrate the success and benefits of alternative models to acute inpatient care.


  • Acute options for mental health care insights paper pdf, 1.1 MB

  • Acute options for mental health care insights paper docx, 5.8 MB
