Displaying 11 - 20 results of 165 for "te tiriti"
Strategy on a page
-term transformation can take place. Our strategic framework brings the key elements of our strategic plan into one place. Our Pou Rama is standing strong, grounded in the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and shining bright on who we are, our areas of focus and what we do. It is supported by our
2024 service monitoring infographics
Āwhina monitoring dashboard . Kaupapa Māori mental health and addiction services infographic A key part of our legislated role is to monitor mental health and addiction services and we are committed to being grounded by our Te Tauāki ki Te Tiriti o Waitangi | Te Tiriti o Waitangi position
Leadership as a mental wellbeing system enabler report downloads
the leadership enabler of Kia Manawanui: First, we consider what progress is being made on the commitment to uphold Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and support equity of mental wellbeing outcomes for Māori. Second, we assess progress on the commitment to amplifying the voices and leadership of Māori, people
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key role in supporting us as we assess and report on progress with system transformation, monitor mental health and addiction services, and advocate for the collective interests of people with lived experience of mental distress and/or addiction. We are committed to being grounded in Te Tiriti o
More action needed to address mental health and addiction service challenges
to see a clear strategy and roadmap to address the ongoing workforce shortages. “Coercive practices continue to be widely used, particularly for Māori and Pacific peoples. All services need to urgently address these inequities. We must keep te Tiriti o Waitangi, people and whānau at the heart
Initial Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission welcomes Mental Health Commissioner’s report on mental health and addiction services
, no matter who they are or where they live,” says Mr Wano. “While change is happening, we want to see Government strengthening the commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi by partnering with Māori and people with lived experience of mental health and addiction to design services – and a system – that
Lived experiences of CCTOs report
see the new mental health law based on supported decision making, and embedding Te Tiriti o Waitangi and a Te Ao Māori worldview. Practices that need to change now under the current Mental Health Act 1992: We want to see a reduction in the number of applications and outcomes granted for CCTOs, and
Put an end to CCTOs
We are advocating for change from a coercive to a choice based mental health system. The changes we are calling for can be made now. Repeal and replace the Mental Health Act New legislation must be co-designed with people with lived experience of compulsory treatment, uphold Te Tiriti o
Mental health and wellbeing must be a high priority in health system transformation
see the Bill’s focus on understanding and addressing the social determinants of health and wellbeing, and on upholding te Tiriti o Waitangi. We welcome efforts to reduce health and wellbeing inequities,” Mr Wano said. “We want a continued focus on improving mental health outcomes and ensuring a
Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission calls for stronger action to transform key areas of the mental health and addiction system
, wants to see Te Tiriti o Waitangi obligations upheld, investment in kaupapa Māori services, peer services, youth services, and other community-based specialist services. The Commission is also calling for a decrease in compulsory treatment orders and mental health law that does not discriminate on the