Displaying 21 - 30 results of 143 for "regulatory+report"
Accountability documents
As an independent Crown Entity, Te Hiringa Mahara is required to publish a Statement of Intent (SOI) covering a period of four years, an annual Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE), as well as an Annual Report. Statement of Intent (SOI) Statement of Intent 2022 – 2026 - updated An updated
Where did the $1.9 billion Wellbeing Budget go?
Details of how the 2019 Wellbeing Budget Taking mental health seriously funding was spent have been made public by Te Hiringa Mahara – Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission. In a new report released today, the Commission shows that 92% of all funding allocated had been spent or committed by 30
2024 mental health and addiction services monitoring – update webinar
On 5 June 2024, we released Kua Tīmata Te Haerenga | The Journey Has Begun —our latest monitoring report on mental health and addiction services. This report focuses on access to mental health and addiction services and options available over the five-year period from July 2018 to June 2023.  
Achieving equity of Pacific mental health and wellbeing outcomes
This report and data infographic bring together insights about Pacific peoples wellbeing using our He Ara Oranga Wellbeing Outcomes Framework along with engagement with Pacific communities. The report sets out to describe the factors that contribute to wellbeing. The report comprises an
Advancing lived experience mental health and wellbeing
tāngata whaiora and lived experience communities has shaped this framework and enables us to monitor what is most important to people who experience distress, substance harm or gambling harm. Our reports monitoring wellbeing for people in Aotearoa are accessible here The experiences of people with
New report highlights Pacific wellbeing challenges
A new report from Te Hiringa Mahara - Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission shows that more should be done to improve mental health and wellbeing outcomes of Pacific peoples. The report, Achieving equity of Pacific mental health and wellbeing outcomes , offers a snapshot of New Zealand’s Pacific
Lived experiences of CCTOs report
This report looks at compulsory community treatment orders (CCTOs) made under section 29 of the Mental Health Act 1992. The focus is on amplifying voices of tāngata whaiora, whānau, and family. We heard that the clinical review and the court hearing processes involved in CCTOs can silence or
Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission welcomes Budget 2022 investment in specialist mental health and addiction services
move in the right direction towards addressing issues raised in our recent Te Huringa report and transforming the system toward the vision of He Ara Oranga. The focus of this investment is aligned with the voices of Māori and tāngata whaiora (people with lived experience of distress and addiction
Broader focus on wellbeing needed to understand COVID-19 impacts
A narrow focus on mental health may prevent us from understanding the broader wellbeing impacts of COVID-19 in Aotearoa, Te Hiringa Mahara – the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission - has found in its first report on the impact of the pandemic on wellbeing. “For people to flourish and experience
More deliberate focus needed to ensure all people in Aotearoa experience good wellbeing
Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission report highlights need to listen to and work alongside people with highest need and those disproportionately experiencing inequity Te Rau Tira Wellbeing Outcomes Report 2021 [PDF, 9 MB] found that most communities in Aotearoa New Zealand tend to