Displaying 111 - 120 results of 143 for "regulatory+report"
Karen Orsborn appointed as Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission Chief Executive
clearly to those voices over the last 18 months, particularly people and whānau with lived experience of mental distress and addiction. Through the reporting of the Initial Commission, she advocated strongly for the community’s call for system transformation to be prioritised and advanced by Government
Work with us
This is a great time to join us and play a key role in supporting us as we assess and report on progress with system transformation, monitor mental health and addiction services, and advocate for the collective interests of people with lived experience of mental distress and/or addiction. We are
Rolling out more options for crisis care
services spoke about being listened to and given options in response to their needs. As a guest from Te Puna Wai said, “[I] had a great chat with one of the staff members who helped de-escalate the situation and made me feel confident to stay safe when I got home.” While our focus in the report is on
Infographic - assessment of youth and rangatahi wellbeing and access to services
Most young people reported good mental wellbeing and rated their family wellbeing highly in the four months preceding the COVID-19 Delta variant outbreak in August 2021 (however, mental wellbeing among young people may have dropped later in 2021). (1) Four out of five young people felt it was easy
Kua Tīmata Te Haerenga report webinar
No summary available
Kua Tīmata Te Haerenga report downloads
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key role in supporting us as we assess and report on progress with system transformation, monitor mental health and addiction services, and advocate for the collective interests of people with lived experience of mental distress and/or addiction. We are committed to being grounded in Te Tiriti o
Mental health and wellbeing must be a high priority in health system transformation
introduction of the Government’s mental health pathway, Kia Manawanui Aotearoa. These are all important steps in transforming the mental health and addiction system, as described in He Ara Oranga: Report of the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction. “The Government now has an
Make a complaint about us
a complaint to the HDC . The Advocacy Service can help people with concerns about a provider or service. Call them for free on 0800 555 050 or visit their website to email or live chat. Making a complaint about us or our work Te Hiringa Mahara is committed to providing quality reporting, advice, and
Chief Executive Karen Orsborn opinion piece on coercive practices
World Health Organisation's Quality Rights Initiative will help change practice. Providing alternative options for acute care will further reduce the need for coercion. Recent Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission reports found that the number of people subject to a community treatment order has