Displaying 51 - 60 results of 164 for "recovery competencies for new zealand mental health workers"
Our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
We are an organisation grounded in Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We have made a strong commitment to achieving better and equitable mental health and wellbeing outcomes for Māori and whānau. This is front and centre of who we are and what we do. Te Tauaki ki Te Tiriti o Waitangi | Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Mental health and addiction service use – what the data shows webinar
addiction service use. Overall, there has been a decrease in people accessing specialist services, primary mental health initiatives, telehealth, and online services in 2021/22. This follows a steady increase the four years prior. The exception to this trend is more people are accessing new services
Our monitoring dashboard
This dashboard pulls together data about many aspects of New Zealand’s mental health and addiction services. This includes a wide range of measures covering primary and specialist services, including community and inpatient services. The dashboard is available for use by anyone interested in
Annual Report 2022/23 highlights
on policy proposals and bills, such as the Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill, Therapeutic Products Bill and Manatū Hauora policy proposal to repeal and replace the Mental Health Act. We generated good coverage of the issues we’re working on in a variety of media outlets. Over the
Infographic - assessment of youth and rangatahi wellbeing and access to services
Ara Oranga framework describes what wellbeing looks like for people and whānau in Aotearoa New Zealand, at a population level, while He Ara Āwhina describes an ideal mental health and addiction system. These frameworks are designed to work together, acknowledging the critical contribution of the
Mental health and addiction targets welcomed
help and their whānau. These targets will help focus effort on making sure services are available,” says Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission Board chair Hayden Wano. “In our briefing to incoming Ministers we made a strong case for mental health and addiction targets to be developed, so it is
The Initial Commission
the momentum of He Ara Oranga , the Government inquiry into mental health and addiction, and the work to transform Aotearoa New Zealand's mental health and wellbeing system while Te Hiringa Mahara was being established. The Initial Commission undertook some, but not all, of the functions of Te
Commission will provide system oversight of new mental wellbeing long-term pathway
Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission welcomes release of Kia Manawanui as we lead our agenda to support transformation The Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission welcomes today’s release of Kia Manawanui Aotearoa , the government’s long-term pathway to mental wellbeing, by Minister
2024 mental health and addiction services monitoring – update webinar
On 5 June 2024, we released Kua Tīmata Te Haerenga | The Journey Has Begun —our latest monitoring report on mental health and addiction services. This report focuses on access to mental health and addiction services and options available over the five-year period from July 2018 to June 2023.  
Peer mental support role in EDs is a positive move
The announcement today by the Minister for Mental Health Matt Doocey that a new mental health and addiction peer support service will be set up in hospital emergency departments is a positive move. “People who are experiencing mental distress who arrive at an emergency department will