Displaying 51 - 60 results of 172 for "mental health act"
2024 mental health and addiction services monitoring – update webinar
On 5 June 2024, we released Kua Tīmata Te Haerenga | The Journey Has Begun —our latest monitoring report on mental health and addiction services. This report focuses on access to mental health and addiction services and options available over the five-year period from July 2018 to June 2023.  
Our monitoring dashboard
This dashboard pulls together data about many aspects of New Zealand’s mental health and addiction services. This includes a wide range of measures covering primary and specialist services, including community and inpatient services. The dashboard is available for use by anyone interested in
Make a complaint about us
On this page you can find out how we handle complaints: Make a complaint about our work Make a complaint related to our privacy and security policy Consumer complaints Te Hiringa Mahara does not handle complaints about individual or whānau experiences of using mental health and / or
He Ara Āwhina framework
published 30 June 2022 and describes what an ideal mental health and addiction system looks like. This will be used to assess, monitor, and advocate for improvements to the mental health and addiction system of Aotearoa, including services. He Ara Āwhina amplifies the most important voices – tāngata
Youth services focus report
Youth services focus report - Admission of young people to adult inpatient mental health services | Pūrongo arotahi ratonga taiohi - Te whakauru i ngā taiohi ki ngā ratonga hauora hinengaro pakeke ā-hōhipera This report is the first of a series of monitoring reports that Te Hiringa Mahara is
Advancing lived experience mental health and wellbeing
When we initially started our work, we had been gifted a framework for measuring wellbeing by the Initial Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission . The He Ara Oranga Wellbeing Outcomes framework was developed with lived experience communities and focusses on describing what wellbeing looks like from
Pacific people's wellbeing - the path to equitable outcomes webinar
Te Hiringa Mahara and Le Va co-hosted a webinar on supporting Pacific people's wellbeing in Aotearoa. The webinar shared and expanded on the findings of our Pacific wellbeing report which was released in May 2024. The report brought together an assessment of Pacific peoples mental health and
More deliberate focus needed to ensure all people in Aotearoa experience good wellbeing
Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission report highlights need to listen to and work alongside people with highest need and those disproportionately experiencing inequity Te Rau Tira Wellbeing Outcomes Report 2021 [PDF, 9 MB] found that most communities in Aotearoa New Zealand tend to
Access and Choice programme
health and addiction services in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Access and Choice programme has a particular focus on people with mild-to-moderate mental health and addiction needs. It aims to improve access to primary mental health, wellbeing, and addiction services, including in Kaupapa Māori, Pacific, youth, general practice, and community settings.
Advancing Māori mental health and wellbeing
We are an organisation committed to being grounded in Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We have made a strong commitment to achieving better and equitable mental health and wellbeing outcomes for Māori and whānau. This is front and centre of who we are and what we do. Monitoring of Māori and whānau wellbeing