Displaying 11 - 20 results of 172 for "mental health act"
Who we are
government of the day. An Initial Commission was set-up in November 2019 to start on high priority projects as well as beginning establishment of the new organisation. The Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission Act 2020 was passed in June 2020, and we began to fulfil our new legislative functions
Lived experience
important in all of our work. The Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission Act that established Te Hiringa Mahara requires our Board to include people with personal experience of mental distress and addiction at the governance level. See our Lived experience position statement Find more information on
Contact us
the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission Act 2020, is to contribute to better and equitable mental health and wellbeing outcomes for people in Aotearoa. Our Transparency Statement [PDF, 45 KB] explains how we collect, use and share information about members of the public or other entities
Report signals progress of Government’s response to He Ara Oranga, the inquiry into mental health and addiction
, and establishment of the Suicide Prevention Office. This is taking a ground-up approach, with communities leading the way. Repealing and replacing the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992 Repealing and replacing the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act
Our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
wellbeing of Māori as tangata whenua, and the trauma that has been caused by alienation and racism Commit to doing no further harm to Māori as tangata whenua and to being an organisation grounded in Te Tiriti o Waitangi Support healing and the improvement of Māori mental health and wellbeing Act as
Achieving equity of Pacific mental health and wellbeing outcomes
analysis of well-established and respected data sources used across government to inform policy-making. And a qualitative aspect which provides case studies of initiatives that are succeeding in promoting Pacific Peoples’ mental health and wellbeing, which may act as a model for future work
Accountability documents
Expectations sets out our work programme for the period 1 July 2024 – 30 June 2025. It provides a one–year view of what we will deliver, how we will give effect to the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission Act 2020 and how our performance will be assessed. Statement of Performance Expectations 2024/25
The Initial Commission reporting
Treatment) Act 1992 Expanding access and choice to existing primary mental health and addiction services for people with mild to moderate mental health and addictions needs. Read and download the interim report: Downloads Upholding the Wero laid in He Ara Oranga pdf, 4.3 MB Download One-page summary of
Chief Executive Karen Orsborn opinion piece on coercive practices
In early June we provided an article on coercive practices to the New Zealand Herald for consideration as part of its Great Minds campaign on mental health. The article, by our Chief Executive Karen Orsborn, pointed out that coercive practices continue in Aotearoa despite evidence they have no
Top priorities for New Zealand's first Minister for Mental Health
its first ever Minister for Mental Health sitting in Cabinet is a welcome move. This dedicated role will bring a clear focus to mental health and addiction, and we are looking forward to tangible action and increased momentum over the coming term of government. But where should the new minister start