Displaying 31 - 40 results of 142 for "lived experience position statement"
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Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission calls for stronger action to transform key areas of the mental health and addiction system
wellbeing. This also creates an opportunity to hear the voices of Māori and people with lived experience and provide a greater choice of supports.” To transform the system toward the vision of He Ara Oranga , the Commission in its role of kaitiaki (guardian) of mental health and wellbeing
Stronger more inclusive health sector means better health and wellbeing for all
we get the foundation right, now. A proper foundation will ensure that people’s lived experiences of mental distress and challenges are heard upfront and robustly challenge the fairness of the existing system”, says Wano. “The Bill could say a lot more about mental health, addiction and
Other documents
This is where you can read and download any additional corporate documents, such as our annual engagement survey summary report. Annual engagement survey summary report In June 2023, we surveyed a group of our key stakeholders inclusive of Māori, tāngata whaiora (people with lived experience of
published in the government gazette . Our Board must make sure that it effectively seeks and understands the views of Māori as tangata whenua, of people with lived experience of mental distress or addiction (or both) and the people who support them, as well as Pacific people, and other groups and
Wāhanga tautuhi takirua / Co-define phase
country's mental health and wellbeing. To develop the He ara Oranga framework, the Inital Commission sought participation from people across Aotearoa including Māori, Pacific people, and people with lived experience of mental health and addiction. Outcomes need to be what truly improves people’s wellbeing
Peer support workforce paper 2023
of care and addressing wider workforce shortages. There is huge potential for further development of the Māori lived experience workforce, who bring a Te Ao Māori perspective, which incorporates mātauranga Māori, tikanga, and kawa. Peer support is often unacknowledged and under-valued however it has
Mental health and addiction service monitoring
Monitoring Reports 2023 Te Hiringa Mahara produced a series of monitoring reports Te Huringa Tuarua in 2023. The series focuses on youth services, Compulsory Community Treatment Orders, Kaupapa Māori Services, and mental health and addiction services. Lived experiences of compulsory community
He Ara Āwhina development journey
mental health services and addiction services, what we should include in our monitoring approach, and how we should go about our monitoring work. Ninety-seven individuals and groups gave feedback through a discussion document, at lived experience focus groups, as well as hui and talanoa with Māori
Board Chair Hayden Wano receives New Year Honour for services to Māori health
important role in the current transformation of the health system. As kaitiaki (guardian) of mental health and wellbeing, Te Hiringa Mahara works to ensure the voices of Māori and tāngata whaiora (people with lived experience of distress and addiction, substance, or gambling harm) can be heard and