Displaying 51 - 60 results of 130 for "lived+experience+leadership"
Te Rau Tira (Wellbeing outcomes report)
report measures wellbeing through our He Ara Oranga Wellbeing Outcomes Framework , which was developed alongside communities and created with people with lived experience of poor wellbeing. It reflects what people say matters to them. Our report found that: Most communities in Aotearoa New Zealand
Abuse in care report recognises life-long trauma
ana - we honour and remember the children, some now adults, who live to tell the stories Ko koutou ngā mōrehu, ngā reo kōrero mo rātau kua wahangū - You are the survivors, the spokespeople for those voices who fell silent Kia kore rawa tātau e wareware ki o rātau, o koutou wheako o te tūkino me te
Board Chair Hayden Wano receives New Year Honour for services to Māori health
important role in the current transformation of the health system. As kaitiaki (guardian) of mental health and wellbeing, Te Hiringa Mahara works to ensure the voices of Māori and tāngata whaiora (people with lived experience of distress and addiction, substance, or gambling harm) can be heard and
COVID-19 restrictions impact family violence and wellbeing, empowered communities key to supporting safety at home
made accessing help difficult for some communities, digital technology also allowed online violence and abuse to be brought directly into people’s homes. While social media was useful to mitigate physical isolation and enhance social connectedness, experiences of digital harm and violence skyrocketed
Other documents
This is where you can read and download any additional corporate documents, such as our annual engagement survey summary report. Annual engagement survey summary report In June 2023, we surveyed a group of our key stakeholders inclusive of Māori, tāngata whaiora (people with lived experience of
Focus on youth wellbeing more urgent than ever
recently, with 1 in 5 young people experiencing higher rates of psychological distress than other age groups. At the same time, young people are less likely to get professional help for their mental health needs when they need it,” said Dr Ella Cullen, Director Wellbeing Insights and Leadership, for Te
Te Huringa Tuarua 2023 webinar series
as three focus reports on kaupapa Māori services, lived experience of Compulsory Community Treatment Orders and admission of young people to adult inpatient services. We also released a report on the peer support workforce. In our webinar series, we focused on: Lived experiences of Compulsory
He Ara Āwhina development journey
mental health services and addiction services, what we should include in our monitoring approach, and how we should go about our monitoring work. Ninety-seven individuals and groups gave feedback through a discussion document, at lived experience focus groups, as well as hui and talanoa with Māori
Who we are
Waitangi Position Statement [PDF, 148 KB] Te Tiriti o Waitangi Position Statement - Te Reo [PDF 151 KB] Te Tiriti o Waitangi Position Statement glossary [PDF, 705 KB] Lived Experience Position Statement [PDF 205 KB]
Wāhanga tautuhi takirua / Co-define phase
country's mental health and wellbeing. To develop the He ara Oranga framework, the Inital Commission sought participation from people across Aotearoa including Māori, Pacific people, and people with lived experience of mental health and addiction. Outcomes need to be what truly improves people’s wellbeing