Displaying 141 - 150 results of 168 for "he+ara+aranga"
Access and Choice programme
health and addiction services in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Access and Choice programme has a particular focus on people with mild-to-moderate mental health and addiction needs. It aims to improve access to primary mental health, wellbeing, and addiction services, including in Kaupapa Māori, Pacific, youth, general practice, and community settings.
Peer support workforce paper 2023
Our Peer support workforce paper 2023 shows the critical role of the peer workforce in enabling recovery, improving hope and in transforming the landscape of mental health and addiction services. The potential of this workforce is yet to be fully realised. Key findings in the paper include: 
Proactive release policy
The objective of Te Hiringa Mahara in performing its functions and exercising its powers, under the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission Act 2020, is to contribute to better and equitable mental health and wellbeing outcomes for people in Aotearoa. This proactive release policy describes
Corporate publications
Reports to the Minister Read and download our reports to the Minister Kia Toipoto Action Plan Read and download our Kia Toipoto Action plan here OIAs Find more information and download the proactively released responses to Official Information Act requests here Chief Executive expenses Find more
Te Huringa Tuarua: Mental Health and Addiction Service Monitoring Reports 2023
This mental health and addiction service monitoring report is the main report that monitors across the breadth of national-level data. It aims to show what is working well and what isn’t in mental health and addiction services, how this has changed over time, and advocate for improvements. This
Mental health and addiction service use – what the data shows webinar
mental health and addiction services. This report monitors publicly health-funded mental health and addiction services over the five-year period from 2017/18 to 2021/22, using a broad suite of data. In this webinar, we shared selected findings from this report about changes in mental health and
Covid-19 Insights Series - Wellbeing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic
exacerbated and amplified many existing inequities in mental health and wellbeing outcomes, and in accessing services and supports. In the face of challenges presented by the pandemic, iwi, hapū, and whānau Māori exercised rangatiratanga, providing practical support for themselves and others through the
Covid-19 Insights Series - Supporting wellbeing after a crisis
lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic can help support the mental health and wellbeing of communities recovering from other crises, like Cyclone Gabrielle. The report shows the following: Help provided will need to target people who already experience disadvantage, including people and whānau
Covid-19 Insights Series - COVID-19 and safety in the home
, and grow more severe Women, children, and young people, particularly those who are Māori, or from the rainbow community, were particularly affected. Digital technology allowed online violence and abuse to be brought directly into people’s homes, but the digital divide made accessing help difficult for
Advancing Māori mental health and wellbeing
We are an organisation committed to being grounded in Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We have made a strong commitment to achieving better and equitable mental health and wellbeing outcomes for Māori and whānau. This is front and centre of who we are and what we do. Monitoring of Māori and whānau wellbeing