Displaying 31 - 40 results of 82 for "framework"
Official Information Act requests
; 23 November 2022 View/download PDF: MHWC2022-002-OIA for communications information [PDF, 758 KB] All information regarding the He Ara Āwhina framework Date published: 19 July 2022 Response date: 6 April 2022 View/download PDF: MHWC2022-001- OIA He Ara Āwhina framework [PDF, 937 KB
Infographic - assessment of youth and rangatahi wellbeing and access to services
Ara Oranga framework describes what wellbeing looks like for people and whānau in Aotearoa New Zealand, at a population level, while He Ara Āwhina describes an ideal mental health and addiction system. These frameworks are designed to work together, acknowledging the critical contribution of the
Kaupapa Māori services report
addictions investment allocated to kaupapa Māori services. We also advocate for a comprehensive mental health and addiction prevalence survey to strengthen evidence-based decision-making. Our He Ara Āwhina pathways to support framework will support this. Downloads Te Huringa 2023
Covid-19 Insights Series - Media reporting of COVID-19
and mental health and wellbeing provides a scene-setter for the rest of the series. The wellbeing analysis in the report draws on the He Ara Oranga Wellbeing Outcomes Framework, which describes the aspects of good wellbeing in Aotearoa and guides the way we monitor the systems that influence
Broader focus on wellbeing needed to understand COVID-19 impacts
changed over the pandemic. The wellbeing analysis in the report also drew on the He Ara Oranga Wellbeing Outcomes Framework which describes the aspects of good wellbeing in Aotearoa, and guides the way Te Hiringa Mahara monitors the systems that influence these in our communities. This
More investment needed for kaupapa Māori mental health and addiction services
. “The conclusions we reached build on earlier reports, including Oranga Tāngata, Oranga Whānau and the Waitangi Tribunal’s Hauora report. The thinking lines up with the new Oranga Hinengaro System and Service Framework issued this year by Manatū Hauora. What we want to see now is
Guide to language in He Ara Āwhina
The most important terms in He Ara Āwhina are explained here, along with complex terms that are not ‘everyday language’. We have also included words that people told us needed more explanation during our public consultation on the draft He Ara Āwhina framework. Where we have made use of other
Our submissions
As an integral part of our advocacy work, Te Hiringa Mahara often comments on and makes recommendations in response to consultation documents, regulations, draft bills, and regulations that may impact on the mental health and wellbeing of people in Aotearoa.
Rolling out more options for crisis care
There is huge potential for more peer-led, community-based and Kaupapa Māori, services to support people experiencing acute distress. This article summaries findings form our Acute options for mental health care insights paper, published in August 2024.
Accountability documents
As an independent Crown Entity, Te Hiringa Mahara is required to publish a Statement of Intent (SOI) covering a period of four years, an annual Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE), as well as an Annual Report.