Displaying 11 - 20 results of 82 for "framework"
He Ara Āwhina framework
He Ara Awhina Framework Read and download our He Ara Awhina Framework. Report Co-development phase - public consultation feedback Read more about our He Ara Āwhina co-development phase. Report He Ara Āwhina development journey Read more about our He Ara Āwhina development journey. This covers the
Advancing lived experience mental health and wellbeing
When we initially started our work, we had been gifted a framework for measuring wellbeing by the Initial Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission . The He Ara Oranga Wellbeing Outcomes framework was developed with lived experience communities and focusses on describing what wellbeing looks like from
He Ara Āwhina development journey
Work on He Ara Āwhina began with the Initial Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission (Initial Commission) in October 2020. Find more information about the He Ara Āwhina framework here . Co-define phase October 2020 – February 2021 The Initial Commission sought feedback on why we should monitor
Mental health and addiction system
He Ara Āwhina Framework Our He Ara Āwhina (Pathways to Support) framework describes what an ideal mental health and addiction system looks like. We use this to assess how our system delivers for whanau an Mental health and addiction service monitoring reports Our mental health and addiction service
He Ara Oranga wellbeing outcomes framework He Ara Oranga wellbeing outcomes framework shows how wellbeing will be achieved from both a te ao Māori perspective and a shared perspective, which also applies to Māori. Achieving equity of Pacific mental health and wellbeing outcomes The report on the
Assessment of youth and rangatahi wellbeing and access to services
and wellbeing among young people and rangatahi Māori, using the He Ara Oranga framework . It also presents key service monitoring findings for young people against the He Ara Āwhina framework . These frameworks are designed to work together, acknowledging the critical contribution of the mental
Our monitoring dashboard
understanding what is happening in New Zealand’s mental health and addiction system. This dashboard sits alongside the He Ara Āwhina monitoring framework and reports. The data is collated by Te Hiringa Mahara about services primarily funded through Vote Health sourced through many agencies. There
Treasury Te Tai Waiora Wellbeing Report reflects same youth wellbeing focus as Te Hiringa Mahara
wellbeing using its Living Standards Framework and its He Ara Waiora wellbeing framework. “As the agency responsible for advising Minsters about the impact of government spending, The Treasury and its Te Tai Waiora report provides us a vital link in understanding the role of policy decisions and
Te Rau Tira (Wellbeing outcomes report)
report measures wellbeing through our He Ara Oranga Wellbeing Outcomes Framework , which was developed alongside communities and created with people with lived experience of poor wellbeing. It reflects what people say matters to them. Our report found that: Most communities in Aotearoa New Zealand
Speaking up about the Pae Ora amendment bill
. While six other strategies were specified, mental health and addiction was not included. It is good that this omission will now be rectified. The purpose of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy is to provide a framework to guide health entities for the long-term improvement of mental health and