Displaying 61 - 70 results of 93 for "do power both power steering lines steering gear box require o rings"
Lived experience
mental health and wellbeing Find out what we're doing to amplify the voices of people with lived experience. We are committed to being a genuine, courageous and effective advocate for communities with lived experience of mental distress and addiction. This includes people and groups who have their
Acute options for mental health care insights paper
Download the report Acute options for mental health care insights paper Our insights paper on acute options that can provide an alternative to acute inpatient care. Report This insights report focuses on acute options that can provide an alternative to acute inpatient care. Increasing the range of
improving mental health and wellbeing outcomes for Māori and whānau. This is front and centre of who we are and what we do. We are committed to prioritising the voices of people who experience mental distress, substance harm, gambling harm or addiction, and advocating for their needs and aspirations
Focus on youth wellbeing more urgent than ever
More evidence of the state of New Zealand youth mental health — Youth and rangatahi wellbeing and access to services assessment — has been released today and shows that while most youth and rangatahi are doing well, there is a steady decline in youth wellbeing in comparison to older age groups more
Karen Orsborn appointed as Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission Chief Executive
Commission set to move forward on advancing Aotearoa’s wellbeing agenda The Chair of the Commission Board, Hayden Wano, has today announced the appointment of its new Tumu Whakarae - Chief Executive for the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission. Karen Orsborn steps into the Chief Executive role
New primary mental health and addiction support provides a welcome expansion, but gaps remain – new report
addiction services is higher than mental health services. “There is now an expanded range of services for people seeking initial help with their mental health or addiction through GPs and other primary services and this is a real positive. There remains much more to do to ensure that those needing a
Put an end to CCTOs
Waitangi, human rights and supported decision making. The process to repeal and replace the Mental Health Act is underway but will take years to be agreed and implemented. We don’t have to wait for changes to be made now. Make changes in practice now Implement cultural and other practice changes in
Speaking up about the Pae Ora amendment bill
the workforce elements of the other strategies in the Act. We support the proposed requirement to consult with and have regard to our views when developing the Government Policy Statement on Health. We do not support the proposal to include the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission as a health
Increasing service options for Māori webinar
kōwhiringa ratonga mā te Māori. Despite funding increases over the past five years, more needs to be done to achieve equitable funding in kaupapa Māori mental health and addiction services. This is to ensure that the support available meets the level of mental distress experienced by Māori within
Report signals progress of Government’s response to He Ara Oranga, the inquiry into mental health and addiction
response to He Ara Oranga on behalf of those with lived experience of mental health and addiction,” says Mr Wano. “We acknowledge the commitment from Government to transform the system, and we appreciate that it will take time. The mental health and wellbeing system is complex and requires a