Displaying 21 - 30 results of 93 for "do power both power steering lines steering gear box require o rings"
Could you access mental health or addiction support when you needed it?
report in mid-2024. We will also be sharing what we heard from people about their experiences and what matters most. Find out more about this project, see our FAQs . Read and download our access to mental health and addiction services documents in alternate formats: Participation Information - Easy
Improving crisis responses - Police and Health NZ change programme webinar
include lived experience insights and representatives from Health NZ and Police. Te Hiringa Mahara will facilitate the webinar, and share findings from our acute options insights paper along with an introduction to work we are doing on monitoring crisis responses. Our speakers are: Dr Leeanne Fisher
Te Huringa Tuarua 2023 webinar series
ahead of time to or post them in the webinar chat on the day. If you require a New Zealand Sign Language interpreter for the webinars or other support to participate, please let us know when you register.
Independent Commission’s report highlights the importance of improving access and choice for mental health and addiction services in Aotearoa
, which opened its doors in February 2021. The report has found that the programme has put much-needed investment into primary and community care in line with many of the recommendations in He Ara Oranga, enabling important services to be provided. “It is pleasing to see the overall programme is on
2023-2024 annual report now available
includes detailing who we are and what we do, how we manage our business, our financial statements and progress against our Statement of Performance Expectations for 2023/24. The report provides a detailed breakdown of our achievements related to our four strategic objectives: Advancing mental health and
Relationships and engagements
As an independent crown entity partner of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, we have prioritised engaging with tangata whenua whānau, hapū and iwi. We will be supported by Ngā Ringa Raupā (comprising of the Director Māori Health, Principal Advisor Māori Health and Māori kaimahi) to build our authentic
Lived experiences of CCTOs report
override tāngata whaiora and whānau perspectives. The report also documents how clinical reviews and court hearings marginalise Te Ao Māori and lived experience perspectives. The number of people subjected to a Compulsory Community Treatment Order under the Mental Health Act increased by 8
Covid-19 Insights Series - Impact of COVID-19 on wellbeing of older people in Aotearoa New Zealand
understanding of the pandemic, and our planning for the future – both responding to crises and supporting wider wellbeing – recognises that older people are not one monolithic group. We call for greater involvement of older people in decision-making that affects them, greater understanding of and
Time called on compulsory community mental health treatment
People in mental distress and their whānau do not feel heard in clinical review and court processes that lead to enforced treatment a report released today by Te Hiringa Mahara – Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission shows. The Lived Experiences of Compulsory Community Treatment
Top priorities for New Zealand's first Minister for Mental Health
New Zealand’s first Minister for Mental Health, Matt Doocey, has a big job ahead of him. Te Hiringa Mahara | Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission chair Hayden Wano outlines our top priorities to transform our mental health and addiction system. The announcement that New Zealand will have