Displaying 111 - 120 results of 168 for "Young+people+speak+out+about+Wellbeing:+"
Our brand story
Launching the new commission On Wednesday, 14 April 2021, the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission held an event to acknowledge the establishment of the Commission, which officially opened its doors on Wednesday, 9 February 2021. Hon Andrew Little, Minister of Health, Hayden Wano, Chair of the
Our commitment to lived experience
We have promised to uphold a ‘nothing about us, without us’ approach and to work together to improve wellbeing transform the mental health and addiction system. Our Lived Experience Position Statement outlines what we will do to uphold these commitments to lived experience communities. We promise
Karen Orsborn: Full impact of COVID-19 on mental health yet to be seen
. For those people, their future wellbeing, and hopes for a better life, have been severely curtailed. The ongoing wellbeing impacts of COVID-19 are yet to be seen. For many, longstanding inequalities were exacerbated. Households with incomes of less than $30,000 have been most likely to lose jobs
Mental health and addiction system
transforming the landscape of mental health and addiction services. June 2023. We independently monitor, assess, report and share findings on mental health and addiction services and approaches that support people's mental health and wellbeing in Aotearoa. How we assess and monitor the system Our He Ara
More investment needed for kaupapa Māori mental health and addiction services
key finding in today’s Te Hiringa Mahara – the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission, Te Huringa Tuarua 2023: Kaupapa Māori Services report. The report provides an overview of investment into kaupapa Māori mental health and addiction services, sheds light on the significant
Improve wellbeing for rangatahi and young people
The mental health and wellbeing of rangatahi Māori and young people is one of the most important issues we can focus on today. More needs to be done to support rangatahi and young peoples’ mental health and wellbeing. What are we advocating for? Rangatahi Māori and young people must have a
Focus on youth wellbeing more urgent than ever
recently. The data has been collated by Te Hiringa Mahara - Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission and while the latest data showed 74% of 15 – 24-year-olds reported good mental health, there are ongoing negative trends. "There has been a steady decline in mental wellbeing for young people more
Collective effort will ensure Auditor General’s recommendations on mental health support for rangatahi and young people hit the mark
overcome the barriers accessing services faced by young people. “Services have got to be where young people commonly spend time, and designed to be accessible, youth appropriate and holistic. To get the best outcomes, young people need to lead in the design and delivery of services that are
Assessment of youth and rangatahi wellbeing and access to services
We have have created an up-to-date picture of the state of wellbeing for rangatahi and young people in Aotearoa. The Assessment of youth and rangatahi wellbeing and access to services infographic was released in June 2024. View infographic online . Download infographic (PDF 359KB
Young people experiencing acute mental distress need age-appropriate care
Too many young people experiencing acute mental distress are being admitted to adult inpatient mental health services, and this practice needs to stop. This is according to today’s Te Hiringa Mahara – the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission report Te Huringa Tuarua 2023: Youth services focus