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Youth Wellbeing Insights Report
Young people speak out about Wellbeing: An insights report into the Wellbeing of Rangatahi Māori and other Young People in Aotearoa This report grows our collective understanding of the systems and determinants that affect rangatahi Māori and young people’s wellbeing, which in turn, influences
Youth wellbeing insights
Youth Wellbeing Insights Report This report grows our collective understanding of the systems and determinants that affect rangatahi Māori and young people’s wellbeing. Report Young people speak out about Wellbeing: An insights report into the Wellbeing of Rangatahi Māori and other Young People in
Advancing Māori mental health and wellbeing
in Aotearoa is addressed in a number reports. See our wellbeing monitoring reports Notable reports include: Young people speak out about Wellbeing: An insights report into the Wellbeing of Rangatahi Māori and other Young People in Aotearoa Exercising rangatiratanga during the COVID-19 pandemic
Prioritising youth voices necessary to improve wellbeing
peoples’ mental health and wellbeing. This is according to today’s Te Hiringa Mahara - Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission report Young people speak out about Wellbeing: An insights report into the Wellbeing of Rangatahi Māori and other Young People in Aotearoa . Rangatahi Māori and young
kaupapa Māori services Learn about our call for equitable funding of kaupapa Māori mental health and addiction services. Improve wellbeing for rangatahi and young people Learn about how we can support rangatahi and young people. International relationships Find out how Te Hiringa Mahara connects with
health and addiction sector to find out how they can implement findings into their own mahi. Upcoming webinars There are currently no webinars scheduled. Please keep an eye out on our LinkedIn page for updates. Past webinars Understanding wellbeing for rangatahi and young people webinar, 26
Karen Orsborn appointed as Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission Chief Executive
difference through small actions every day. One of the challenges we have, as a Commission and a mental health and wellbeing sector, is to balance long-term transformation with meeting critical needs for support and services right now, particularly for our children and young people,” says Karen Orsborn
Te Hiringa Mahara to continue to advocate for young people after Oranga Tamariki Bill passes third reading
Wellbeing Commission, as kaitiaki (guardian) of mental health and wellbeing, monitors the wellbeing outcomes of young people with experience of care now and will do so in the future. It will continue to advocate for their right to be heard and to influence decisions made about them, Board Chair Hayden
Strategy on a page
We are kaitiaki of mental health and wellbeing. Our role is to be the eyes and ears of people in Aotearoa, amplifying the voices of our communities. We are keeping watch on what is happening in our mental health and addiction systems, speaking up and bringing focus to areas where meaningful, long
Annual Report 2022/23 highlights
. At the heart of this kaupapa is the importance of rangatahi and young people having a voice and being part of decision-making about services that impacts them. To ensure we understand what is happening across the mental health, addiction and wellbeing systems, we engage with a wide range of