Displaying 51 - 60 results of 91 for "SPE"
. Learn more about us  Where has the funding gone? This new Budget 2019 to Budget 2022 investment in mental health and addiction report focuses on where key mental health and addiction investments have been spent as of 30 June 2023. Published: August 2024. Read the Budget investment
Collective effort will ensure Auditor General’s recommendations on mental health support for rangatahi and young people hit the mark
that will deliver for rangatahi and young people.” “The emphasis on the agencies that plan and fund services working together is the key to untapping collective effort that will make real change.” The Auditor General highlights how tailoring support to the specific needs of young people helps
Te Hiringa Mahara welcomes Health Quality and Safety Commission report on the mental health impacts of COVID-19 on Aotearoa
Māori, Pacific and disabled peoples. “In the face of resource constraints and the specific challenges of the pandemic, communities and service providers have innovated – doing more with less and using online and telehealth delivery to reach people in need.” Te Hiringa Mahara’s recent mental health
Focus on youth wellbeing more urgent than ever
longer wait times for specialist services and decreasing rates of access for these services. We know from other research from Te Hiringa Mahara that addressing root causes of mental health and wellbeing such as improving trust, household income, and fostering intergenerational connection and inclusion
New primary mental health and addiction support provides a welcome expansion, but gaps remain – new report
accessing specialist mental health and addiction services has decreased over a five-year time frame. In 2022/23, 3.4% of the population accessed a specialist service, a decrease from 3.8% in 2018/19. This is a drop of 9,000 people using these services. Of those seeking specialist support the decrease for
Annual Report 2022/23 highlights
participants said they agree or strongly agree that we are being courageous and speaking up about important mental health, addiction, and wellbeing issues. This is heartening and we plan to build on this. Our advocacy role has spanned a range of areas. This has included writing submissions
Where to get support
0800 942 8787. Phone counselling is available Monday to Friday, 1pm–10pm and weekends, 3pm–10pm. Online chat is available 7pm–10pm daily. Specialist helplines OUTLine NZ : 0800 688 5463 (OUTLINE) provides confidential telephone support for sexual and gender identity. Seniorline : free phone 0800
Mental Health Bill
statements about future care. We support the Bill’s introduction of assessment of people’s decision-making capacity as part of new criteria for compulsory assessment and treatment of people. This is a welcome shift towards a modern supported decision-making legislative framework for specialist
Mental health and addiction service monitoring
Specialist mental health and addiction services access factsheet download Download the new factsheet providing supplementary information about the number of people accessing specialist services, with data up to June 2024. Factsheet Kua Tīmata Te Haerenga | The Journey Has Begun: Mental health and
Top priorities for New Zealand's first Minister for Mental Health
is a responsive mental health and addiction system where those that are most impacted by mental distress get the right support. This needs to be specific to the unique needs of communities, particularly those who already experience disadvantage. And support needs to be available when it is required