Displaying 21 - 30 results of 60 for "Physical"
Covid-19 Insights Series - Exercising rangatiratanga during the COVID-19 pandemic
May 2023 - Our sixth report in the COVID-19 insights series elevates how rangatiratanga was exercised throughout the pandemic. It shows that Māori have always had the knowledge and skills to support the wellbeing of their whānau and communities.
Covid-19 Insights Series - Impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing of rural communities in Aotearoa New Zealand
February 2023 - Our third report in the COVID-19 insights series shows that rural communities face different wellbeing challenges to urban Aotearoa, and the pandemic has presented a range of added stresses.
Covid-19 Insights Series - Impact of COVID-19 on wellbeing of older people in Aotearoa New Zealand
December 2022 - Our second report in the COVID-19 insights series shows that older people contributed greatly through the pandemic, despite often facing worse impacts of the pandemic.
Time called on compulsory community mental health treatment
People in mental distress and their whānau do not feel heard in clinical review and court processes that lead to enforced treatment a report released today by Te Hiringa Mahara – Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission shows.
Top priorities for New Zealand's first Minister for Mental Health
New Zealand’s first Minister of Mental Health, Matt Doocey, has a big job ahead of him. Hayden Wano Chair of Te Hiringa Mahara - Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission outlines top priorities to transform our mental health and addiction system.
Bigger role for mental health and addiction peer support workforce called for
The significant contribution made by peer support workers in the mental health and addiction system is highlighted in a new insights paper released today by Te Hiringa Mahara – Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission.
Pacific community connections key to wellbeing during COVID-19
Pacific peoples’ connection – to family, community, culture and faith – has been a key source of strength and resilience in the pandemic.
Māori responses to COVID-19 are exemplars for crisis health and wellbeing support
Māori-led initiatives played a key role in protecting the health and wellbeing of communities, supporting connection with individuals and whānau, and sharing information and resources during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Independent Commission’s report highlights the importance of improving access and choice for mental health and addiction services in Aotearoa
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission (the Commission) has today released its independent report into the progress of the Access and Choice Programme being developed and implemented under the leadership of the Ministry of Health.
Rural communities respond well to pandemic, despite challenges
The COVID-19 pandemic has added additional stress to the rural community, which itself faces different wellbeing challenges to those of urban Aotearoa.