Displaying 11 - 20 results of 188 for "Improving+access+and+choice"
improving mental health and wellbeing outcomes for Māori and whānau. This is front and centre of who we are and what we do. We are committed to prioritising the voices of people who experience mental distress, substance harm, gambling harm or addiction, and advocating for their needs and aspirations
Report signals progress of Government’s response to He Ara Oranga, the inquiry into mental health and addiction
1992 is underway and there is hope that this can take a rights-based approach built in partnership with people. New legislation won’t be transformative by itself, and must be supported by other changes, such as expanding access and increasing choice for mental health and addiction services
Social media community guidelines
Join our online community LinkedIn YouTube We have an active presence in online community spaces. Our aim is to host well-informed and connected online community. We want these to be spaces where everyone can be part of constructive conversations about improving access to mental health and
2024 mental health and addiction services monitoring – update webinar
and Choice programme in primary care has increased access and expanded options for people with mild to moderate mental health and addiction needs. However, access to specialist services has decreased, with people reporting challenges accessing these services. We look at the access challenges faced
Commission will provide system oversight of new mental wellbeing long-term pathway
improving outcomes for Māori, including community-led design of kaupapa Māori services that are by Māori, for Māori working with people with lived experience of mental distress and addiction to expand access to services and choice in support options so people can recover from mental distress and addiction
More action needed to address mental health and addiction service challenges
More people are accessing new services through the Access and Choice programme, however, there has been a decrease in people accessing specialist mental health and addiction services and other primary mental health services, and little or no change on other measures of service quality. This is
Mental health and addiction service use – what the data shows webinar
through the Access and Choice programme. The decrease in service use in parts of the system is unexpected given the public reports on increasing levels of distress. We presented the data behind these findings and related measures, along with the changes we want to see happen. We also talked about future
More kaupapa Māori services
options for non-Māori. We are already seeing changes, but we need to see more Currently, Access and Choice allocates 20% of funding for kaupapa Māori services, which is a heading in right direction. The growth in Kaupapa Māori services over the last year is very encouraging. The establishment of an additional 17 Kaupapa Māori services over 2021 and 2022 is commendable. There are now 29 Kaupapa Māori services contracted across 19 out of 20 districts.
Access and choice landing page
No summary available
Priority on youth mental health strikes a chord
Tuarua: 2023 Youth services focus report (May 2023) Ka whakahuatau te rangatahi mō te Toiora / Youth wellbeing insights report (May 2023) Access and Choice Programme: Improvising access and choice for youth report (2022)