Displaying 81 - 90 results of 149 for "Funding allocation across the age range'"
Recent changes to our board
Te Hiringa Mahara has been governed by an active board since being formed in February 2021. There have been two recent changes. Having been on the board since our establishment in February 2021, Dr Jemaima Tiatia's term has come to an end. Board chair Hayden Wano has expressed his thanks
New board member announcement - welcome Wayne Langford
Te Hiringa Mahara has been governed by an active board since being formed in February 2021. On 27 September 2024 Matt Doocey, Minister for Mental Health, and Mark Patterson, Minister for Rural Communities, jointly announced the appointment of Wayne Langford as a new board member. Wayne has been
Time called on compulsory community mental health treatment
People in mental distress and their whānau do not feel heard in clinical review and court processes that lead to enforced treatment a report released today by Te Hiringa Mahara – Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission shows. The Lived Experiences of Compulsory Community Treatment
Bigger role for mental health and addiction peer support workforce called for
investment across the mental health and addiction system in recent years and it is positive to see the additional peer support roles. Peer support workers make up approximately 3.4% of the total workforce and there is much more to do to increase the number and proportion of the total workforce that are
Pacific community connections key to wellbeing during COVID-19
; “Pacific peoples must be involved in decision-making processes that directly affect them, with government agencies actively engaging with Pacific organisations that possess deep-rooted community knowledge and trust. More data and research is necessary to better understand and support Pacific
Mental health and wellbeing must be a high priority in health system transformation
range of views and experiences at the decision-making table.” As part of its submissions to the Pae Ora Select Committee, the Commission called for the inclusion of a mental health and wellbeing strategy, which was not incorporated in the final Bill. “Improving mental health and addiction outcomes will
Independent Commission’s report highlights the importance of improving access and choice for mental health and addiction services in Aotearoa
benefit from more urgent and dedicated focus.” Greater prioritisation implementing flexible, holistic services in a range of settings for Māori and Pacific peoples is needed, says Wano. The Commission also wants youth services prioritised and delivered in ways and in settings that are acceptable and
COVID-19 learnings can support communities recovering from Cyclone Gabrielle
welcomes recent funding and support announced for local communities and marae. Investing in and re-establishing social infrastructure will help re-establish a sense of community and enough resilience to mitigate many of the worst mental health, addiction, and wellbeing effects of any future
Where to get support
Kia ora, tough times affect each of us differently. It’s okay to reach out if you need to or, if you’re worried about someone else, to encourage them to reach out. We all need a bit of support from time to time. If you or someone you know is struggling, we want you to know that however you or they
Budget 2019 to Budget 2022 investment report
June 2023. We answer the question: ‘Where has the funding gone?’ In 2019, in response to the report of the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction (He Ara Oranga) , the Government invested over $1.9 billion into mental health and wellbeing as part of the landmark 2019 Wellbeing Budget