Access and choice for mental health and addiction services encouraging, but workforce challenges remain
mental health and addiction staff and reduce pressure on the existing workforce. “While we can and should take satisfaction from the progress made over the last three years, we need to ensure that people have mental health, wellbeing and addiction services when and where they are needed, and access
Expert Advisory Group
-design of the vision of what a system of services, support, and approaches should look like for people and whānau who experience mental distress, substance use harm, or gambling harm (or a combination of these). The group included a Māori EAG which supported the development of a te ao Māori perspective
Work with us
This is a great time to join us and play a key role in supporting us as we assess and report on progress with system transformation, monitor mental health and addiction services, and advocate for the collective interests of people with lived experience of mental distress and/or addiction. We are
Data phase/ He Ara Oranga wellbeing outcomes framework
complete a stocktake of all data sources that had a link to the wellbeing outcomes in the He Ara Oranga framework. After the stocktake, the Initial Commission identified possible population level indicators and measures for tāngata whai ora (people with lived experience of mental distress and / or
Māori responses to COVID-19 are exemplars for crisis health and wellbeing support
Māori-led initiatives played a key role in protecting the health and wellbeing of communities, supporting connection with individuals and whānau, and sharing information and resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is according to today’s Te Hiringa Mahara – the Mental Health and Wellbeing
Mental health and addiction system
monitoring reports published since 2022. He Ara Āwhina dashboard This dashboard pulls together data about many aspects of Aotearoa New Zealand’s mental health and addiction system. Access and choice Our independent report on the Access and Choice Programme monitors progress on improving access and
Our brand story
. It inspires and ignites our inquiring and inquisitive minds, illuminating and liberating the potential within. On Tuesday, 5 July 2022, we held an event to officially unveil our new name Te Hiringa Mahara. Our new name embraces our role as kaitiaki of mental health and wellbeing and is an
Our commitment to lived experience
tāngata mātau-ā-wheako Māori Amplifying the voices of people who have experienced loss, harm, or exclusion in the mental health and addiction system Monitoring the mental health and addiction system, and monitoring wellbeing, together with people with lived experience Ensuring that each project or focus
Our wellbeing outcome framework
wellbeing outcomes framework shows how wellbeing will be achieved from both a te ao Māori perspective and a shared perspective, which also applies to Māori. Wellbeing will be achieved when all people, their whānau (families) and hapori (communities) experience: From a te ao Māori perspective: Tino
Speaking up about the Pae Ora amendment bill
addiction outcomes. The strategy can provide clear direction and a framework for the development of a holistic and transformative approach. We recommend that the scope needs to be expanded to include wellbeing. It is only doing that we will meet the collective interests of people who experience mental