Make a complaint about us
addiction services. These complaints are managed by the Office of the Health and Disability Commissioner (HDC). People who have concerns about the care they or others have experienced at a mental health or addiction service should contact the Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service or make
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Name Region Northland Auckland Bay of Plenty Waikato Tairāwhiti Hawke's Bay Taranaki Manawatu-Whanganui Wellington Marlborough Nelson/ Tasman West Coast Canterbury Otago Southland Other location Tell us about your interests (pick 1 or more): Lived experience Mental health and addiction system Kaupapa Māori Rangatahi and young people Wellbeing
Peer support workforce paper 2023
Peer support workforce paper 2023 Read and download our Peer support workforce paper 2023 about the critical role of the peer workforce in enabling recovery, improving hope and in transforming the landscape of mental health and addiction services. Report This paper shows the critical role of the
Social media community guidelines
Join our online community LinkedIn YouTube We have an active presence in online community spaces. Our aim is to host well-informed and connected online community. We want these to be spaces where everyone can be part of constructive conversations about improving access to mental health and
Leadership as a mental wellbeing system enabler report downloads
The Leadership as a mental wellbeing system enabler: Insights on progress toward Kia Manawanui report focuses on one aspect of the ‘long-term pathway’ to transform Aotearoa’s approach to mental health and wellbeing. The purpose of this report is to provide an assessment of and insights about system
About us
Who we are Learn more about where we've come from and our role. Our people Find more information about the people at Te Hiringa Mahara. Accountability documents Read and download our Statement of Intent (SOI), Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE) and Annual Report. Corporate publications Read and download our Official Information Act request replies, Kia Toipoto Action Plan and other related reports.
Open consultations
In November 2023, Te Hiringa Mahara is inviting feedback on access to health or addiction services. This online survey is for both tāngata whaiora and people accessing services, and whānau and people supporting others. Find out more about this, visit Fill-in our mental
Get involved
Work with us You can find information here about our current vacancies and how to apply for them Have your say Your views are important to us, and we encourage you to have your say to improve mental health and wellbeing outcomes for all people in Aotearoa This is a great time to join us and play a
Treasury Te Tai Waiora Wellbeing Report reflects same youth wellbeing focus as Te Hiringa Mahara
their effects on wellbeing and mental distress. “Our 2021 Te Rau Tira Wellbeing Outcomes Report found that many people experienced positive wellbeing outcomes in home, schooling and community environments. However, it also reported that 23% of tamariki Māori lived in households with good material
Karen Orsborn: Full impact of COVID-19 on mental health yet to be seen
, and people will continue to be affected for some time to come. Aotearoa New Zealand's responses to it will continue to evolve. An essential part of the early response was to isolate people and family units. This is the prudent action when dealing with an infectious disease and kept many people in