Budget 2019 to Budget 2022 investment report
Government’s priority Taking mental health seriously was allocated to each initiative and the expenditure on each of those initiatives for the four years from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2023. It describes each initiative in terms of what it set out to achieve and its status as of 30 June 2023. The report also includes key mental health and addiction initiatives from Budget 2020 to Budget 2022.
Contact us
experienced at a mental health or addiction service should contact the Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service or make a complaint to the HD. The Advocacy Service can help people with concerns about a provider or service – call them on freephone 0800 555 050 or visit their website to email or live chat.
kaupapa Māori services Learn about our call for equitable funding of kaupapa Māori mental health and addiction services. Improve wellbeing for rangatahi and young people Learn about how we can support rangatahi and young people. International relationships Find out how Te Hiringa Mahara connects with
Acute options for mental health care insights paper
acute options provides people with viable and welcome alternatives that allow them to stay safe and supported in their local community. A high-quality acute continuum of mental health care can provide a safety net for anyone who needs it, anywhere, and at any time. It provides clear pathways to
published in the government gazette . Our Board must make sure that it effectively seeks and understands the views of Māori as tangata whenua, of people with lived experience of mental distress or addiction (or both) and the people who support them, as well as Pacific people, and other groups and
Proactive release policy
The objective of Te Hiringa Mahara in performing its functions and exercising its powers, under the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission Act 2020, is to contribute to better and equitable mental health and wellbeing outcomes for people in Aotearoa. This proactive release policy describes
Strategy to improve mental health outcomes on the way
. It is good that this omission has now been rectified. We look forward to working with Minister Doocey and officials on the strategy, to focus effort toward improving mental health and wellbeing outcomes for people with experience of mental distress and addiction. There were some provisions we drew
Prioritising youth voices necessary to improve wellbeing
peoples’ mental health and wellbeing. This is according to today’s Te Hiringa Mahara - Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission report Young people speak out about Wellbeing: An insights report into the Wellbeing of Rangatahi Māori and other Young People in Aotearoa . Rangatahi Māori and young
Priority on youth mental health strikes a chord
peoples’ mental health and wellbeing. The four focus areas for success in the report covers cross government action, strengthening the service delivery system, building an evidence base and youth voice. “Calling for the voices of young people to be heard in service policy and delivery echo what we
Lived experience
mental health and wellbeing Find out what we're doing to amplify the voices of people with lived experience. We are committed to being a genuine, courageous and effective advocate for communities with lived experience of mental distress and addiction. This includes people and groups who have their