Our work
Lived Experience Learn about our commitment to being an advocate for communities with lived experience of mental distress and addiction. Advocacy Learn about our advocacy work. Mental Health and Addiction System Learn about how we independently monitor, assess, report and share findings on mental
2020, Karen led the establishment of Te Hiringa Mahara as Head of Secretariat for the Initial Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission. Karen has held a variety of health management and leadership roles that focus on improving outcomes for people through working with people and communities. Previously
Achieving equity of Pacific mental health and wellbeing outcomes
This report and data infographic bring together insights about Pacific peoples wellbeing using our He Ara Oranga Wellbeing Outcomes Framework along with engagement with Pacific communities. The report sets out to describe the factors that contribute to wellbeing. The report comprises an
Mental health and addiction targets welcomed
The announcement of targets to address wait times and workforce pressures across the mental health and addiction system has been welcomed by Te Hiringa Mahara – Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission. “Access to appropriate services when and where they are needed is very important to people seeking
Top priorities for New Zealand's first Minister for Mental Health
to meet the needs of rangatahi and young people, deliver services that work for Māori, and ensure anyone experiencing severe mental illness able to access care they need while having their right to choice respected. It is alarming that rates of psychological distress among our
Karen Orsborn appointed as Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission Chief Executive
clearly to those voices over the last 18 months, particularly people and whānau with lived experience of mental distress and addiction. Through the reporting of the Initial Commission, she advocated strongly for the community’s call for system transformation to be prioritised and advanced by Government
Our relationships
joining our lived experience mailing list advocating together to bring about change sharing your views, experiences and hopes for the future when we are monitoring parts of the mental health, addiction and wellbeing system. Sign-up to our lived experience mailing list. First name Family name Email address I want to receive Lived experience updates and news You must enable JavaScript to submit this form
Who we are
committed to prioritising the voices of people who experience mental distress, substance harm, gambling harm or addiction, and advocating for their needs and aspirations. Read more about us and the work that we do [PDF, 803 KB] See our Strategy on a page and Brand story Key documents T e Tiriti o
Initial Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission welcomes Mental Health Commissioner’s report on mental health and addiction services
The Mental Health Commissioner has today released a report , providing insights about mental health and addiction services. Chair of the Initial Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission, Mr Hayden Wano, says that this report is timely and signals how Government can enhance the response to He Ara
Strategy on a page
We are kaitiaki of mental health and wellbeing. Our role is to be the eyes and ears of people in Aotearoa, amplifying the voices of our communities. We are keeping watch on what is happening in our mental health and addiction systems, speaking up and bringing focus to areas where meaningful, long