Where did the $1.9 billion Wellbeing Budget go?
is important to clear up any public misunderstanding about an investment of this size.” “It’s part of our monitoring role to bring transparency to investment decisions. Without it, people can lose confidence in the system’s ability to deliver.” “Going forward, we need to ensure allocation of
He Ara Āwhina framework
whaiora and whānau as leaders of their wellbeing and recovery, and the system responding to their needs and aspirations. What people told us in our 2022 He Ara Āwhina framework consultation, and the changes made in response, have been summarised in four ‘voices documents’ showing feedback from Māori
Te Hiringa Mahara regularly holds webinars to discuss important pieces of our work and to provide a space for people, whānau and communities in Aotearoa to discuss, share their views, ask questions and find out more about the kaupapa. It also provides an opportunity for those who work in the mental
Understanding wellbeing for rangatahi and young people webinar
Aotearoa Foundation, shares how OHI Data Navigator is bringing data and story to life to understand and respond to rangatahi needs and aspirations from a grassroots to systems level thinking. Abdulla Shiblaq, Youth Facilitator, Yes Disability, talks about the importance of making crucial services, like mental health services, accessible for the disability community, not just the basic physical accessibility but also accessibility through communications.
Have your say on a service-level monitoring framework for mental health and addiction
The consultation phase to provide feedback on the development of a framework to monitor mental health services and addiction services is now closed. The Initial Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission provided people with an opportunity to have their say on the He Ara Āwhina service-level monitoring
state of wellbeing, and priorities to support greater wellbeing for Pacific peoples in Aotearoa was published in May 2024. Assessment of youth and rangatahi wellbeing and access to services infographic This quantitative assessment of mental health and wellbeing among young people and rangatahi Māori
Youth Wellbeing Insights Report
mental health. It elevates the voices of young people and draws from their experiences and expertise. Read a short summary of the Youth wellbeing insights report Watch our New Zealand Sign Language summary of the insights report Read and download our Youth wellbeing insights report Downloads Full
Commission responds to Implementation Unit’s mid-term review of 2019 mental health package
. Hayden Wano says the Access and Choice Programme, funded through the mental health and addictions package, is critical to give people access to services and supports when we need them and for there to be a greater range of choice as to the type of support and service options available. “We are
Advancing Māori mental health and wellbeing
in Aotearoa is addressed in a number reports. See our wellbeing monitoring reports Notable reports include: Young people speak out about Wellbeing: An insights report into the Wellbeing of Rangatahi Māori and other Young People in Aotearoa Exercising rangatiratanga during the COVID-19 pandemic
Targeted vaccination approaches needed in the face of Omicron variant
As New Zealand faces community transmission of the Omicron variant, too many people who experience mental distress or addictions remain unvaccinated. The total New Zealand vaccination rates are now very high, with over one million people boosted and 93% of the eligible population double vaccinated