Improve wellbeing for rangatahi and young people
The mental health and wellbeing of rangatahi Māori and young people is one of the most important issues we can focus on today. More needs to be done to support rangatahi and young peoples’ mental health and wellbeing. What are we advocating for? Rangatahi Māori and young people must have a
Te Ao Māori
Our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi Learn more about our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Relationships and engagements Learn more about our relationship and engagement with Māori communities, systems and services. Advancing Māori mental health Find more information about the work that we do, including reports, about advancing Māori mental health.
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Access and Choice programme
health and addiction services in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Access and Choice programme has a particular focus on people with mild-to-moderate mental health and addiction needs. It aims to improve access to primary mental health, wellbeing, and addiction services, including in Kaupapa Māori, Pacific, youth, general practice, and community settings.
Peer support workforce paper 2023
Our Peer support workforce paper 2023 shows the critical role of the peer workforce in enabling recovery, improving hope and in transforming the landscape of mental health and addiction services. The potential of this workforce is yet to be fully realised. Key findings in the paper include: 
Covid-19 Insights Series - COVID-19 and safety in the home
-19 pandemic and lockdowns led to an increase in reports of violence and harm in the home, with some groups particularly impacted. The report also shows the following: Being cut off from support networks and being trapped in unsafe situations saw violence and controlling behaviour change, increase
More action needed to address mental health and addiction service challenges
More people are accessing new services through the Access and Choice programme, however, there has been a decrease in people accessing specialist mental health and addiction services and other primary mental health services, and little or no change on other measures of service quality. This is