Focus on youth wellbeing more urgent than ever
recently, with 1 in 5 young people experiencing higher rates of psychological distress than other age groups. At the same time, young people are less likely to get professional help for their mental health needs when they need it,” said Dr Ella Cullen, Director Wellbeing Insights and Leadership, for Te
New primary mental health and addiction support provides a welcome expansion, but gaps remain – new report
addiction services is higher than mental health services. “There is now an expanded range of services for people seeking initial help with their mental health or addiction through GPs and other primary services and this is a real positive. There remains much more to do to ensure that those needing a
Independent Commission’s report highlights the importance of improving access and choice for mental health and addiction services in Aotearoa
recommendations in He Ara Oranga: Report of the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction , has a particular focus on people with mild-to-moderate mental health and addiction needs and improving access to primary mental health, wellbeing and addiction services, including in Kaupapa Māori, Pacific
Conceptual framework
Commission started this work, they wanted everyone to be able to have their say on how the system will monitor, measure and improve our country's mental health and wellbeing. However, due to COVID-19 they had to change their approach and target organisations that represent the people and diversity of
Covid-19 Insights Series - Pacific connectedness and wellbeing in the pandemic
at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the wellbeing of Pacific peoples in Aotearoa and shows how Pacific peoples’ connection – to family, community, culture and faith – has been a key source of strength and resilience in the pandemic. Pacific peoples endured significant challenges in the pandemic
Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission unveils new name
Hiringa Mahara (positive energy and thoughtfulness) with agencies across the system to support, transform, guide, and monitor a mental health and wellbeing system that prioritises wellbeing and that has people and whānau at its heart."
Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission calls for stronger action to transform key areas of the mental health and addiction system
wellbeing. This also creates an opportunity to hear the voices of Māori and people with lived experience and provide a greater choice of supports.” To transform the system toward the vision of He Ara Oranga , the Commission in its role of kaitiaki (guardian) of mental health and wellbeing
Covid-19 Insights Series - Impact of COVID-19 on wellbeing of older people in Aotearoa New Zealand
pandemic has changed attitudes toward ageing and older people, with older people being positioned as vulnerable, less adaptable and a burden on the rest of society Older Māori, Pacific and Asian people were often highly connected within their own communities, highlighted by their ability to leverage
Covid-19 Insights Series - Wellbeing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic
draws on the previous seven reports in the COVID-19 series, and wider research to highlight the wellbeing impacts of the pandemic, and to learn from them. The report found that many of the challenges people faced in the pandemic were not new, but that the pandemic and its effects on communities
Pathway for peer support to transform the mental health and addiction workforce webinar
together and synthesises evidence from academic research, New Zealand data, and the voices of people with lived experience on the value of the peer support workforce in mental health and alcohol and drug services. While the peer support workforce in Aotearoa is growing, it remains a small proportion of our