Displaying 81 - 90 results of 172 for "Assessment of youth and rangatahi"
Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission unveils new name
Hayden Wano said the new name embraced the Commission’s role as the kaitiaki of mental health and wellbeing and was an expression of the commitment to being an organisation grounded in Te Tiriti o Waitangi. “We started by making a strong commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and improving mental
Abuse in care report recognises life-long trauma
documenting the harms that have impacted the lives of thousands of New Zealanders, but to also recognise and understand the subsequent trauma and distress that people live with as a result. We acknowledge the pain, loss and anger of those who contributed their voices to this inquiry and
Peer support workforce paper 2023
Peer support workforce paper 2023 Read and download our Peer support workforce paper 2023 about the critical role of the peer workforce in enabling recovery, improving hope and in transforming the landscape of mental health and addiction services. Report This paper shows the critical role of the
Peer mental support role in EDs is a positive move
people may experience while waiting.” “We have yet to see the detail of how this initiative will be rolled-out but we think a staged approach is a good way to start.” “The peer support workforce has a lot to offer and it is encouraging to see the expansion of these roles.” In
Mental health and addiction targets welcomed
The announcement of targets to address wait times and workforce pressures across the mental health and addiction system has been welcomed by Te Hiringa Mahara – Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission. “Access to appropriate services when and where they are needed is very important to people seeking
Official Information Act requests
Te Hiringa Mahara is part of the New Zealand public sector and must meet its obligations under the Official Information Act 1982 (the OIA). OIA requests can be addressed to us via . Our policy is to proactively publish OIA responses that may be of interest to the wider public
He mihi aroha: Kiingi Tūheitia Pōtatau Te Wherowhero VII
people of Tainui, iwi from across the motu and indeed the world. King Tūheitia was a great unifier of people, with his call for ‘Kotahitanga’, unity, as the way for us all. Kotahitanga is his legacy. A great inspiration and leader to Māoridom through the mana of his words and all his work. Farewell King
Our monitoring dashboard
This dashboard pulls together data about many aspects of New Zealand’s mental health and addiction services. This includes a wide range of measures covering primary and specialist services, including community and inpatient services. The dashboard is available for use by anyone interested in
Rolling out more options for crisis care
the following overview of the paper. There is huge potential for more peer-led, community-based and Kaupapa Māori, services to support people experiencing acute distress. Te Hiringa Mahara has brought much needed attention to a wide range of options that haven’t always got the limelight they
Strategy to improve mental health outcomes on the way
Last week we welcomed the passing by Parliament of the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) (Improving Mental Health Outcomes) Amendment Bill. This amendment requires that the Minister for Mental Health produce a mental health and wellbeing strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand within 12 months. The Bill was