Displaying 131 - 140 results of 172 for "Assessment of youth and rangatahi"
Strategy on a page
We are kaitiaki of mental health and wellbeing. Our role is to be the eyes and ears of people in Aotearoa, amplifying the voices of our communities. We are keeping watch on what is happening in our mental health and addiction systems, speaking up and bringing focus to areas where meaningful, long
Our submissions
As an integral part of our advocacy work, Te Hiringa Mahara often comments on and makes recommendations in response to consultation documents, regulations, draft bills, and regulations that may impact on the mental health and wellbeing of people in Aotearoa. 2024 submissions: Downloads
Who we are
Te Hiringa Mahara (Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission) is kaitiaki (guardian) of mental health and wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand. We were established as a result of He Ara Oranga, the 2018 inquiry into mental health and addiction , as an independent Crown entity at arms-length from the
Te Rau Tira (Wellbeing outcomes report)
report measures wellbeing through our He Ara Oranga Wellbeing Outcomes Framework , which was developed alongside communities and created with people with lived experience of poor wellbeing. It reflects what people say matters to them. Our report found that: Most communities in Aotearoa New Zealand
More kaupapa Māori services
Māori, who make up 17% of the population and have higher rates of mental distress than other populations groups, have been advocating for equitable funding for kaupapa Māori services for decades. What needs to change? We want to see: Equitable investment in kaupapa Māori services
Covid-19 Insights
Te Hiringa Mahara has produced eight short reports during 2022 and 2023 to add our collective understanding of the wellbeing impacts of the pandemic and to provide key insights on wellbeing areas or populations of focus. Wellbeing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic This eighth (and
Our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
We are an organisation grounded in Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We have made a strong commitment to achieving better and equitable mental health and wellbeing outcomes for Māori and whānau. This is front and centre of who we are and what we do. Te Tauaki ki Te Tiriti o Waitangi | Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Accountability documents
Mahara. It provides a four-year outlook on our strategic goals and how we will deliver them. Statement of Intent 2022-2026 [PDF 1.05 MB] Statement of Intent 2020 – 2024 We developed the Statement of Intent after our establishment on 9 February 2021. The SOI was finalised on 9 June 2021. The
Privacy policy
, correct, manage and dispose of your personal information. For more information visit: Office of the Privacy Commissioner website . Viewing or changing your information To view any personal information held by us, or if you have any concerns about personal information that we hold and wish to request
Could you access mental health or addiction support when you needed it?
A big thank you to everyone who gave us feedback on their journey accessing mental health and addiction services. We received over 300 responses through the data collection that we ran in November. This is now closed. We wanted to hear from people seeking help with mental distress or addiction: If