Kawepūrongo me ngā Rauemi News and resources
Here are our media releases and news stories.
Displaying 91 - 100 results of 108
Technical Advisory Network
We established a Technical Advisory Network (TAN) to provide advice and expertise of methods, measures, data sources and data gaps.
Independent Commission’s report highlights the importance of improving access and choice for mental health and addiction services in Aotearoa
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission (the Commission) has today released its independent report into the progress of the Access and Choice Programme being developed and implemented under the leadership of the Ministry of Health.
Access and Choice Programme progress report 2021
2021 - The Access and Choice Programme progress report found that the programme has put much-needed investment into primary and community care in line with many of the recommendations in He Ara Oranga: Report of the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction, enabling important services to be provided.
Our submissions
As an integral part of our advocacy work, Te Hiringa Mahara often comments on and makes recommendations in response to consultation documents, regulations, draft bills, and regulations that may impact on the mental health and wellbeing of people in Aotearoa.
Commission responds to Implementation Unit’s mid-term review of 2019 mental health package
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission has welcomed the release of the Department of Prime Minster and Cabinet’s Implementation Unit Mid-term Review on the Government’s progress following its $1.9 billion investment into mental health.
Commission will provide system oversight of new mental wellbeing long-term pathway
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission welcomes today’s release of Kia Manawanui Aotearoa(external link), the government’s long-term pathway to mental wellbeing, by Minister of Health, Hon Andrew Little.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission supports legislation to ban conversion therapy
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission (the Commission) appeared in front of the Justice Select Committee yesterday to speak to its written submission on the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill (the Bill).
Working towards the transformation of the mental health and wellbeing system
Recently, our Chief Executive, Karen Orsborn, had a chat with Gladys Hartson from Pasifika Wire - a news and podcast site for Pacific peoples in Aotearoa.
Wāhanga tautuhi takirua / Co-define phase
Over April and May 2020, the Initial Commission sought a range of views to start developing an outcomes framework for mental health and wellbeing.
Karen Orsborn appointed as Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission Chief Executive
The Chair of the Commission Board, Hayden Wano, has today announced the appointment of its new Tumu Whakarae - Chief Executive for the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission.