Kawepūrongo me ngā Rauemi News and resources
Here are our media releases and news stories.
Displaying 51 - 60 results of 67 for "university "
Collective effort will ensure Auditor General’s recommendations on mental health support for rangatahi and young people hit the mark
We welcomed recommendations in the Auditor General's report Meeting the mental health needs of young New Zealanders report released on 15 February 2024.
Report signals progress of Government’s response to He Ara Oranga, the inquiry into mental health and addiction
The Initial Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission has released a report, He Ara Oranga – Manuka takoto, kawea ake / Upholding the Wero Laid in He Ara Oranga, signalling progress of the Government’s response to He Ara Oranga, the inquiry into mental health and addiction.
Co-development phase - public consultation feedback
The He Ara Āwhina co-development phase ran from March 2021 to June 2022. A draft version of He Ara Āwhina went out for public consultation for six weeks from 8 March to 19 April 2022.
Te Huringa: Mental Health and Addiction Service Monitoring Reports 2022
Te Huringa 2022 was our first mental health services and addiction services monitoring report. It shows the performance of mental health services and addiction services between 2016-2017 and 2020-2021. The report covers mental health services and addiction services funded by the public health system.
Covid-19 Insights Series - Supporting wellbeing after a crisis
March 2023 - Our fifth report in the COVID-19 insights series shows that lessons learned from the pandemic can help support the mental health and wellbeing of communities recovering from other crises, like Cyclone Gabrielle.
Covid-19 Insights Series - COVID-19 and safety in the home
March 2023 - Our fourth report in the COVID-19 insights series shows that the pandemic and lockdowns led to an increase in reports of violence and harm in the home, with some groups particularly impacted.
Covid-19 Insights Series - Media reporting of COVID-19
October 22 - Our first report in the COVID-19 insights series provides analysis to better understand how mental health has been reflected in media coverage of COVID-19 in Aotearoa.
Priority on youth mental health strikes a chord
The Cross-Party Mental Health and Addictions Wellbeing Group have prioritised the mental health and wellbeing of rangatahi and young people in a new cross-party report. The report shows collective political support on this important topic.
More investment needed for kaupapa Māori mental health and addiction services
More investment in kaupapa Māori mental health and addiction services is needed to ensure the support available meets the level of mental distress experienced by Māori.
More action needed to address mental health and addiction service challenges
More people are accessing new services through the Access and Choice programme, however, there has been a decrease in people accessing specialist mental health and addiction services and other primary mental health services, and little or no change on other measures of service quality.