Kawepūrongo me ngā Rauemi News and resources
Here are our media releases and news stories.
Displaying 1 - 10 results of 67 for "university "
New prevalence study will provide vital data
the Growing up in NZ study (GUiNZ) by Minister for Social Development Louise Upston on 19 September 2024. New Zealand's largest contemporary longitudinal study of child development, hosted and led by the University of Auckland, now has received $16.4 million of government funding until 2028. This next
Our submissions
As an integral part of our advocacy work, Te Hiringa Mahara often comments on and makes recommendations in response to consultation documents, regulations, draft bills, and regulations that may impact on the mental health and wellbeing of people in Aotearoa.
Rolling out more options for crisis care
There is huge potential for more peer-led, community-based and Kaupapa Māori, services to support people experiencing acute distress. This article summaries findings form our Acute options for mental health care insights paper, published in August 2024.
Achieving equity of Pacific mental health and wellbeing outcomes
This report and data infographic bring together insights about Pacific peoples wellbeing using our He Ara Oranga Wellbeing Outcomes Framework along with engagement with Pacific communities. Published: May 2024.
Strategy to improve mental health outcomes on the way
Last week we welcomed the unanimous passing of the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) (Improving Mental Health Outcomes) Amendment Bill. This amendment requires that the Minister for Mental Health produce a mental health and wellbeing strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand within 12 months.
Ake, ake, ake – A Forever Language
Te Hiringa Mahara is proud to support Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori 2024 and the revitalisation of Te Reo Māori. We highlight the link between language and wellbeing.
Where did the $1.9 billion Wellbeing Budget go?
This new Budget 2019 to Budget 2022 investment in mental health and addiction report focuses on where key mental health and addiction investments have been spent as of 30 June 2023. Published: August 2024.
Pacific people's wellbeing - the path to equitable outcomes webinar
Watch the recording from the 8 August 2024 webinar we co-hosted with Le Va.
2024 service monitoring infographics
Read and download infographics on: Kaupapa Māori mental health and addiction services, Reducing coercive practices, Youth and rangatahi wellbeing and access to services, and a monitoring overview.
Mental health and addiction targets welcomed
The announcement of targets to address wait times and workforce pressures across the mental health and addiction system has been welcomed by Te Hiringa Mahara – Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission.