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Displaying 91 - 94 results of 94 for "Te+Huringa+Tuarua+2023:+Kaupapa+Māori+services+report"
Co-development phase - public consultation feedback
. What people told us, and the changes made in response, have been summarised in the following documents below Downloads Summary of consultation with Māori pdf, 4.9 MB Download Summary of consultation with Māori docx, 137 KB Download Summary of Lived Experience and Tāngata Whaiora Consultation pdf
Targeted vaccination approaches needed in the face of Omicron variant
Commission. January figures from the Ministry of Health indicate that mental health service users have full vaccination rates that are 9% lower than the general population, and rates amongst addiction service users are 19% lower than the general population. The figures for Māori are also concerning
Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission unveils new name
health and wellbeing outcomes for Māori and whānau. This is front and centre of who we are and our work,” Mr Wano said. “Te Hiringa Mahara is inclusive of all peoples, tangata whenua and tangata Tiriti. It is also enduring and presents a challenge for us to live up to. “We have
Have your say on a service-level monitoring framework for mental health and addiction
The consultation phase to provide feedback on the development of a framework to monitor mental health services and addiction services is now closed. The Initial Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission provided people with an opportunity to have their say on the He Ara Āwhina service-level monitoring