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Displaying 1 - 10 results of 80 for "Rangatahi"
Youth Wellbeing Insights Report
Young people speak out about Wellbeing: An insights report into the Wellbeing of Rangatahi Māori and other Young People in Aotearoa This report grows our collective understanding of the systems and determinants that affect rangatahi Māori and young people’s wellbeing, which in turn, influences
2024 service monitoring infographics
Reducing coercive practices infographic pdf, 865 KB Download Reducing coercive practices infographic docx, 2.3 MB Download Assessment of youth and rangatahi wellbeing and access to services infographic In our report Kua Tīmata Te Haerenga | The Journey has Begun, we use He Ara Āwhina to monitor
Priority on youth mental health strikes a chord
The Cross-Party Mental Health and Addictions Wellbeing Group have prioritised the mental health and wellbeing of rangatahi and young people in a new cross-party report. The report shows collective political support on this important topic. Te Hiringa Mahara welcomes recommendations in the 
Annual Report 2022/23 highlights
; We are proud of the work we have done to highlight what is important for the wellbeing of rangatahi and young people in Aotearoa. By drawing on what rangatahi and young people have shared with us and a review of literature we identified four major themes that need action to improve wellbeing
Understanding wellbeing for rangatahi and young people webinar
Te Hiringa Mahara hosted a webinar on understanding wellbeing for rangatahi and young people on Wednesday 26 July. Our programme inlcuded the following four speakers: Principal Advisor, Katie Sherriff, shares insights from our youth wellbeing insights report, including calls to action
Ake, ake, ake – A Forever Language
wellbeing for rangatahi and young people highlighted that, amongst other factors, connection to whānau and culture develops cultural resilience, which is integral to wellbeing and needs to be supported and fostered. To learn how you can support te reo Māori, visit reomāori.co.nz . You can also
Prioritising youth voices necessary to improve wellbeing
The mental health and wellbeing of rangatahi Māori and young people is one of the most important issues we can focus on today. We only need to acknowledge increasing levels of distress, and the many well-known barriers to wellbeing, to understand that much more needs to be done to support young
Focus on youth wellbeing more urgent than ever
More evidence of the state of New Zealand youth mental health — Youth and rangatahi wellbeing and access to services assessment — has been released today and shows that while most youth and rangatahi are doing well, there is a steady decline in youth wellbeing in comparison to older age groups more
Young people experiencing acute mental distress need age-appropriate care
. “Young people have told us they want to see a wider range of options to address youth distress across Aotearoa. This includes more age-appropriate community-based services and alternatives to hospital based inpatient mental health care; kaupapa Māori options to meet the needs of rangatahi Māori; and
Collective effort will ensure Auditor General’s recommendations on mental health support for rangatahi and young people hit the mark
Recommendations in the Meeting the mental health needs of young New Zealanders report released yesterday by the Auditor General show there is a long way to go to ensure every young person who needs support can access it. “We’ve got to do everything we can to ensure rangatahi and young people