Kawepūrongo me ngā Rauemi News and resources
Here are our media releases and news stories.
Displaying 31 - 40 results of 108
Top priorities for New Zealand's first Minister for Mental Health
New Zealand’s first Minister of Mental Health, Matt Doocey, has a big job ahead of him. Hayden Wano Chair of Te Hiringa Mahara - Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission outlines top priorities to transform our mental health and addiction system.
Could you access mental health or addiction support when you needed it?
Tell us about your experience accessing, or trying to access, mental health and addiction services.
Te Huringa Tuarua 2023 webinar series
We are delighted to announce that we will be holding a series of webinars where we will share key findings as well as our calls to action from our recent mental health and addiction service monitoring reports.
Priority on youth mental health strikes a chord
The Cross-Party Mental Health and Addictions Wellbeing Group have prioritised the mental health and wellbeing of rangatahi and young people in a new cross-party report. The report shows collective political support on this important topic.
Our wellbeing outcomes framework
Our He Ara Oranga wellbeing outcomes framework describes what ideal wellbeing looks like using an aspirational vision, twelve wellbeing outcomes, and associated data.
The Initial Commission reporting
The Initial Commission produced three reports between 2021 and 2020; Mā Te Rongo Ake / Through Listening and Hearing, the Thematic Analysis and He Ara Oranga - Mānuka Takoto, Kawea Ake / Upholding the Wero Laid in He Ara Oranga.
Conceptual framework
The He Ara Oranga wellbeing outcomes framework is a conceptual framework that describes an aspirational vision of 'what good looks like' in the future.
Congratulations to Taimi Allan on new role as SA Mental Health Commissioner
We extend warm congratulations to board member Taimi Allan who has been appointed as Mental Health Commissioner of South Australia.
Understanding wellbeing for rangatahi and young people webinar
Te Hiringa Mahara hosted a webinar on understanding wellbeing for rangatahi and young people on Wednesday 26 July.
Recent changes to our board
Te Hiringa Mahara has been governed by an active board since being formed in February 2021. There have been two recent changes.