Kawepūrongo me ngā Rauemi News and resources
Here are our media releases and news stories.
Displaying 21 - 30 results of 108
Kua Tīmata Te Haerenga | The Journey Has Begun report downloads
Download the Mental health and addiction service monitoring report 2024: Access and options
Voices report: accompanying report to Kua Tīmata Te Haerenga 2024
Download the 2024 Mental health and addiction service qualitative report. Published 5 June 2024.
New primary mental health and addiction support provides a welcome expansion, but gaps remain – new report
There have been significant changes in access to mental health and addiction over the past five years a monitoring report released today by Te Hiringa Mahara - Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission shows. The new report, Kua Tīmata Te Haerenga | The Journey Has Begun, provides the most up-to-date picture of the system available.
Achieving equity of Pacific mental health and wellbeing outcomes
This report and data infographic bring together insights about Pacific peoples wellbeing using our He Ara Oranga Wellbeing Outcomes Framework along with engagement with Pacific communities. Published: May 2024.
New report highlights Pacific wellbeing challenges
A report from Te Hiringa Mahara - Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission shows that more should be done to improve mental health and wellbeing outcomes of Pacific peoples. The report and data infographic was published on 23 May 2024.
Speaking up about the Pae Ora amendment bill
Read our submission on the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) (Improving Mental Health Outcomes) Amendment Bill.
Peer mental support role in EDs is a positive move
An announcement on 21 March by the Minister for Mental Health Matt Doocey that a new mental health and addiction peer support service will be set up in hospital emergency departments is a positive move.
Collective effort will ensure Auditor General’s recommendations on mental health support for rangatahi and young people hit the mark
We welcomed recommendations in the Auditor General's report Meeting the mental health needs of young New Zealanders report released on 15 February 2024.
Supplementary paper: Access and Choice Programme workforce development funding – the first three years
This paper provides supplementary information about the workforce development funding made available through the Access and Choice Programme in Budget 2019.
Annual Report 2022/23 highlights
Te Hiringa Mahara Chief Executive Karen Orsborn shares highlights from our 2022-23 annual report.