Hauora hinengaro: He ara tūroa: Mental Health: An enduring pathway conference 2025
5 November 2025
Waipuna Hotel, Tamaki Makaurau Auckland
Waenga mōrearea: He ara oranga : Amidst crisis and distress there are
pathways to wellbeing
Lived experience communities speak about the continued challenges of accessing
the right support at the right time when they are experiencing a crisis. Data on
monitoring services also highlights that crisis responses are a challenge. The
Government has a strong interest in improving crisis responses and has initiated
sector developments to support this improvement.
It is timely to come together to discover where system improvement has already
occurred, what is currently underway, and how we can work together to be a part of
a better collective crisis response. The TheMHS Learning Network and Te Hiringa
Mahara - Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission are partnering together
to bring you a jam-packed day full of expert discussions, inspiration, and colearning.
In 2025 Hauora hinengaro: He ara tūroa will be held on 5 November 5th the
Waipuna Hotel in Tamaki Makaurau Auckland. The focus will be on Waenga mōrearea: He ara oranga : Amidst crisis and distress there are pathways to wellbeing.
Hauora hinengaro: He ara tūroa acknowledges and recognises the long term and
sustainable efforts required to achieve mental health wellbeing. The focus is to
influence, promote and advocate on the continued improvement of mental health
care. The conference provides the opportunity to bring together a forum of national
and international experience and expertise including te ao Māori (Māori world
views), lived/living experience, clinical, funder and systems thinking perspectives.
This is the first in a series of annual learning events jointly developed by Te Hiringa
Mahara and TheMHS.
Stay tuned for more information.