Displaying 61 - 70 results of 130 for "lived+experience+leadership"
Peer support workforce paper 2023
of care and addressing wider workforce shortages. There is huge potential for further development of the Māori lived experience workforce, who bring a Te Ao Māori perspective, which incorporates mātauranga Māori, tikanga, and kawa. Peer support is often unacknowledged and under-valued however it has
Put an end to CCTOs
We are advocating for change from a coercive to a choice based mental health system. The changes we are calling for can be made now. Repeal and replace the Mental Health Act New legislation must be co-designed with people with lived experience of compulsory treatment, uphold Te Tiriti o
More deliberate focus needed to ensure all people in Aotearoa experience good wellbeing
. Through our He Ara Oranga wellbeing outcomes framework [PDF, 1.3 MB] , we can bring a particular focus to those communities that experience persistently worse wellbeing outcomes. “Our He Ara Oranga wellbeing outcomes framework was developed alongside communities and created with people with lived
Peer mental support role in EDs is a positive move
models of care and addressing wider workforce shortages. It’s important that the Māori lived experience workforce, who bring a Te Ao Māori perspective, are included in planning.” The Commission has provided advice to the Minister for Mental Health that will address other pressure points
Conceptual framework
The He Ara Oranga wellbeing outcomes framework is a conceptual framework that describes an aspirational vision of 'what good looks like' in the future. It is a holistic wellbeing framework that focuses on wellbeing for all and is also relevant to those with lived experience of mental
Achieving equity of Pacific mental health and wellbeing outcomes
along with engagement with Pacific communities. Released 23 May 2024. Pacific community leaders told us that the ‘Pacific dream’ is about thriving Pacific families in Aotearoa. However, it is clear from our assessment of the data and experience of Pacific people we spoke to, both for
Mental health and wellbeing must be a high priority in health system transformation
range of views and experiences at the decision-making table.” As part of its submissions to the Pae Ora Select Committee, the Commission called for the inclusion of a mental health and wellbeing strategy, which was not incorporated in the final Bill. “Improving mental health and addiction outcomes will
Strategy to improve mental health outcomes on the way
strategy . We will let the Minister know what we hope to see in the new strategy, and provide advice on how we expect to see people with lived experience of mental distress and addiction, the broad mental health workforce, and voices of communities sought out, heard, and represented in the strategy
Commission responds to Implementation Unit’s mid-term review of 2019 mental health package
is in place come 2023 / 24.” says Board Chair, Hayden Wano. “In particular, we’d like to see focus on the growth of kaupapa Māori services, and support options for our Pacific communities, as we know they disproportionately experience mental distress or addiction. We also echo calls for greater focus
Mental health and addiction targets welcomed
good to see the announcement of these five targets.” “To achieve the target, resources need to be aligned, a concrete action plan put in place, and more effort put into building system leadership momentum. We also hope to see the Minister for Mental Health closely involved.” “The focus on access acts